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Industry article

Manifesto response: Lack of focus on water infrastructure and skills ‘highly concerning’

Photo of Adam Cave
Adam Cave
Jun 17, 2024 · 6 mins read

In response to the manifesto launches, Water by Murray – part of Murray McIntosh - has criticised the leading parties for a lack of focus on boosting the industry and its skills.

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Industry article

Water engineering recruitment – how Water by Murray supports businesses and candidates

Photo of Bradley Haworth
Bradley Haworth
Apr 01, 2024 · 10 mins read

This blog looks at Water by Murray’s specialist water engineering recruitment services and how we support both businesses and candidates.

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Industry article

How could a growing focus on water industry innovation impact skills demand?

Photo of Teo De La Cruz
Teo De La Cruz
Jan 17, 2024 · 7 mins read

This blog outlines how a renewed focus on innovation by some of the sector’s leading organisations will impact skills demand in the future.

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Chart representing the journey with AMP 8 Industry article

Water engineer recruitment problems mount ahead of AMP8

To anyone with more than a passing interest in the UK water industry, the news from last month that Ofwat was considering relaxing its performance metrics for AMP8 was met with surprise.

Photo of Adam Cave
Adam Cave
Jul 24, 2024 · 6 mins read

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Water Engineering

Water Industry Labour Report 2024

Teo De La Cruz

Apr 30, 2024 · 30 mins read

water engineering exodus - image of hydroelectric power station Industry article

Water industry facing an ‘engineer exodus’

The water industry is facing a talent crisis, with 70% of engineers considering moving to other sectors like renewables, nuclear, and oil & gas within the next two years.

Cover of Water Industry Labour Report 2024 White Paper

Water Industry Labour Report 2024

Our extensive report takes a deep dive into recruitment in the industry and identifies the drivers behind the talent shortages, helping employers to better equip themselves to source the skills they need ahead of AMP8.

Photo of Teo De La Cruz
Teo De La Cruz
Apr 30, 2024 · 30 mins read
water engineers on site - water industry recruitment Industry article

Major investment to boost water industry recruitment

This blog looks at how water industry recruitment is set to benefit from a major investment into the industry and how employers can attract more professionals to want to work for them

Photo of Teo De La Cruz
Teo De La Cruz
Mar 01, 2024 · 10 mins read